February 13, 2025

Home Forum News Eventholder’s Revenge

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    Itz Black
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      Name: Itz Black

      Server: Nefera

      Title: Memories of Eventholder’s diary: An unexpected demonic beast.


      My head was hurting, and I could barely open my eyes. The last thing I remember is talking to Captain Bluebear when we docked at Thais. Everything went blank, and I woke up lying under the stairs, covered in dirt. I could only hear the shouts of a knight several meters away, talking about open doors in Darama, nomads, and the king’s dog.

      I wasn’t hurt, but my camera and its strap were missing. My clothes were torn, as if a wild beast had attacked me. I tried to walk to the hut to ask my old friend Frodo if he had any idea where it might be.

      I walked through the stony soil of Thais and arrived at the hut. I sat down at the bar, greeted Frodo, and told him what had happened. With a smile, Frodo replied: “A beast is on the loose, and surely that demonic beast had attacked you and took your camera.”

      I finished my beer, dropped some gold coins on the counter, and dashed off to find more information. I tried to follow the beast’s trail around the city, questioning the guards, Sam, and even Edowir, but found no clues. Tired, I took a break at Palomino’s stable. In the distance, I saw a horde of trolls chasing a dog with a strap in its snout. It was my camera strap! I ran towards them and chased them away.

      I picked up the dog and removed the strap with my camera from its snout. Carrying the cute poodle in my arms, I prepared to enter the city. From the walls, Tim, the guard, shouted to me: “Congratulations on finding the royal dog!” It was Noodles, the beast that had stolen my camera because the strap on it looked like his walking rope.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Itz Black.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Itz Black.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Itz Black. Reason: Some typos by confusion
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Itz Black.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Itz Black.
      Michael Strangelove
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        Character name: Michael Strangelove
        World: Secura
        Title: Footsteps Chasing Fleeting Shadows

        Eventholder awoke, her camera missing from sight,
        A mischievous goblin from Grynch clan took flight.
        With a twinkle in his eye and a devious grin,
        He dared her to follow, a challenge to win.


        Through Carlin’s peaceful streets, she hurriedly ran,
        But that wily goblin, he had quite the plan.
        He darted and giggled, leaving her in pursuit,
        Eventholder determined, she couldn’t stay mute.


        To Kazordoon she ventured, with hope in her heart,
        Tracking the goblin, refusing to fall apart.
        But he scurried away, like a mischievous sprite,
        Leaving her breathless, yet still filled with fight.


        Thais, the grand city of Tibia’s fame,
        She thought she could corner him, put an end to his game.
        But that sneaky goblin, a master of tricks,
        Eluded her grasp, leaving her feeling mixed.


        Venore’s murky swamps, a treacherous maze,
        The goblin sought refuge, in their misty haze.
        Eventholder pressed on, through danger and fright,
        Determined to catch him, with all of her might.


        Edron’s tranquil isle, where magic was taught,
        She ventured forth, driven by a single thought.
        But the goblin led her astray, through shadows and gloom,
        Testing her spirit, her will to consume.


        Back to Rookgaard, her journey’s starting ground,
        She chased the goblin, her determination unbound.
        But with a twist and a turn, he vanished from sight,
        Leaving her stranded, engulfed in the night.


        But the goblin had a change of heart, you see,
        He realized his folly, setting Eventholder free.
        He returned her camera, with an apologetic smile,
        A truce between them, for a little while.


        For in the world of Tibiasula, even enemies can find,
        A bond of understanding, a moment so kind.
        Eventholder and the goblin, an unlikely pair,
        Shared laughter and stories, in a world so rare.

        Lady Shinaa
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          Name: Lady Shinaa
          Server: Thyria
          Title: Catch me if you can!


          One cold December day,
          A famous photographer, Eventholder, traveled to Vega, and on his way…
          Something happened that he didn’t expect,
          The Grynch Clan Goblins have stolen his Memory Box, to which he was closely connect.
          He knew they were known for being mean and stealing,
          So he went for advice to Santa Claus, which made him reeling.
          Santa admitted he got used to goblins stealing presents from him,
          He added that they are very fast, which is why they are so slim.
          Eventholder wondered how to get his Memory Box back,
          He knew that he couldn’t handle it alone, because there were countless of them in their pack.
          Santa came up with an idea to unite all the players and ask them nicely,
          “They must catch each of them and give the loot to my helper Ruprecht,”, said concisely.
          “The lucky person who brings your Memory Box will receive a special prize!”
          Eventholder added, “And I will capture this player on my camera, which is probably nice.”
          The news spread at lightning speed,
          So the entire Tibian community set out to find the goblins to regain the stolen camera, and to get the reward that was guaranteed.
          After killing a lot of goblins, one player managed to find a camera by one of the thieves,
          And this way, a unique reward he receives.
          The lucky one was captured by the unique Memory Box,
          Only those present during this special moment know, that it was something rocks.
          The punishment that Eventholder imposed along with the greatest magicians was that,
          The goblins were slowed down enough, which made them unable to steal anything ever again, what does not make us sad.
          Therefore, the contents of this Box are the most important components,
          Because inside are stored all the thrilling moments!

          Willdar of Hell
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            Name: Willdar of Hell

            Server: Nefera

            Title: Eternal life and a fair trade.


            It was a warm afternoon in Ab’Dendriel; the wind was blowing from the north, and the atmosphere of tranquility pervaded the region. Eventholder rested in the branches of a tree, tired of documenting the wonders of the city. Suddenly, a cloud of ash covered the sky, an earthquake began to strike, and in the center of Ab’Dendriel a great explosion rang out and a blaze of fire erupted towards the surface.

            Through the dark passages of Hellgate, the deceased dragons of Draconia had slipped, led by the Old Dragon, the only survivor of their race, who had used dark arts to bring his warriors back to life. His intention was simple: To steal an artifact that was said to stop time and store memories. The Old Dragon wanted it for himself; he felt his death drawing near and was resorting to desperate methods to stay alive.

            The elves rose to arms, and Eventholder did what he did best: he tried to capture the dire event of Ab’Dendriel’s taking on camera, completely unaware that they were coming for him, for his Memory Box. The Old Dragon sensed the presence of the artifact, and in the middle of the battle he managed to sneak away to snatch the camera from Eventholder and try to escape towards Draconia.

            With the help of Eroth and an elvenhair rope, Eventholder managed to capture the Dragon. The thief had hidden the camera in one of his hearts, and kept shouting that the artifact would give him eternal life. Dismayed, Eventholder repeated that it was only a camera, not a magical device, and that the Dragon’s magical senses were stunted by his long age.

            Eventholder convinced the Dragon to give it back with an offer he couldn’t refuse: he pulled a mushroom pie out of his bag.

            King Hoggel
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              Name : King Hoggel

              Server : Cadebra

              Title : Capturing memories: The old camera, the old backpack and the red skulls.

              Story :

              In the world of Tibia, Eventholder, an intrepid adventurer, longed to capture unseen images with his beloved Memory Box camera. His search for him led him to infiltrate an orcish stronghold in the city of Venore, where something unusual caught his eye. One orc in particular carried an old and worn backpack on his back, something totally strange and never seen before. Cautiously and stealthily, Eventholder managed to photograph it before withdrawing.

              Late at night, he met his friends in a tavern on the island of Liberty Bay. They all shared their exciting adventure stories, while Eventholder eagerly awaited his turn to show them the captured photograph. However, the atmosphere turned grim when several individuals dressed in black, with a red skull on their outfits, entered the tavern, behaving suspiciously.

              In an oversight of Eventholder, those mysterious individuals managed to snatch his backpack, along with his precious “Memory Box”. They began to utter strange spells, saying “UTANA VID”, and disappeared before the adventurer’s astonished eyes.

              Eventholder’s search for his camera began in the city of Thais, where the guards had heard rumors of people dressed in black with red skulls, who had lost a camera in the city of Roshamuul. According to the stories, giant mouth-shaped creatures had swallowed the camera.

              Desperate, Eventholder entered Roshamuul. He bravely faced the enemies with a red skull, while he was recovering, the monster with a giant mouth appeared, which was dying and with just a few spells, he managed to kill this creature.
              Eventually, Eventholder managed to retrieve the camera from him. With great joy, he showed his adventuring friends the photo of the orc, with the worn-out backpack strapped to his back. and Eventholder became the hero of the hour.

              Undead Arthuss
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                Name: Undead Arthuss

                Server: Honbra

                Title: Eventholder’s Revenge: The Quest for the Stolen Memory Box

                Story: In the dark cathedral, Eventholder, a photographer, fell victim to a group of thieves. They stole his beloved camera, the Memory Box. Determined to retrieve it, Eventholder embarked on a perilous journey. The thieves were not just robbers, but also assassins and smugglers.

                Fueled by anger and desperation, Eventholder followed their trail. Each step led him closer to the dark cathedral, a place of secrecy and danger. As he entered, anticipation filled the air. Eventholder prepared for the confrontation.

                In the grim fortress, Eventholder faced the thieves. The tension mounted, but his determination burned brightly. Through the labyrinthine corridors, he pressed forward.

                Finally, he reached the inner sanctum. A fierce battle ensued. Eventholder’s camera skills proved lethal. He captured their evil deeds, immortalizing their actions.

                Justice prevailed. The Memory Box returned, the thieves defeated. Eventholder emerged stronger, with a renewed appreciation for his craft.

                His revenge transformed into self-discovery, showcasing the strength of the human spirit and the power of passion.

                Rubao aktrovao
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                  Name: Rubao Aktrovao

                  Server: Honbra

                  Title: The Quest for My Captured Memories

                  Story: Eventholder, a fearless adventurer, was determined to recover his stolen camera. He began his search in Thais, a city known for its notorious criminals Partos and Aruda. Eventholder approached Aruda, who held valuable information about the theft, in a dark alley.

                  Aruda demanded 5 Gold as payment for the information. Eager to retrieve his camera, Eventholder agreed and handed over the amount. With the crucial clues provided by Aruda, Eventholder set off to Port Hope, where he believed the notorious swindler Vescu was involved.

                  In a local tavern, Eventholder challenged Vescu to a high-stakes dice game. The wager was Eventholder’s freedom against the stolen camera. Utilizing his strategic skills, Eventholder emerged victorious, confronting Vescu and demanding the return of his precious camera.

                  Defeated and impressed by Eventholder’s abilities, Vescu reluctantly handed over the stolen camera. With a sense of relief and triumph, Eventholder expressed gratitude to Aruda for the valuable information. The adventurer left Port Hope, his cherished memories within the camera once again secure.

                  Having journeyed through danger and faced cunning criminals, Eventholder’s determination and courage had prevailed. His quest for the stolen camera had been a challenging adventure, ultimately leading to the recovery of his treasured memories.

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                    Name: Haydz

                    Server: Thyria

                    Title: Wander in Tiquanda


                    Deep in Tiquanda young Eventholder went to wander.
                    In search of his stolen goods, a hunter with a hood.
                    Caught in the jungle, he was ready to rumble.
                    Down a hole he fell and encountered a wretched a smell.
                    The stench of death was all that what was left.
                    The bodies were fresh and mummified with finesse.
                    A weaving hiss of a giant spiders kiss, left these travellers laying meticulously in bliss.
                    The piercing glow of his many eyed foe was lurking in the darkness of the cave, preparing for his grave.
                    The pitter patter of their feet had event holder ready to retreat.
                    Moving with Haste, “Utani Hur” he set pace.
                    Then cornered into a wall, there was no more he could stall.
                    To challenge and give his best, the Knight made “Exeta Res”
                    Lo and behold he was in a spiders nest.
                    For honour and for glory he showed them all his fury.
                    Into a berserk rage he let off his grandest “Exori”
                    By his foot there was a pod and with a bang it popped.
                    The sparks of the swords had the giant spiders dazzled and shocked.
                    Lying in the depths of this den, was Eventholders memory box!
                    A spider gave birth to the box, right beside the rocks.
                    The moment had been caught delivering his grandest onslaught.

                    Through his trials he endeavoured, a tale to be remembered.
                    Captured in a frame, the truth to his claim.

                    A story to be told. Eventholder the brave and the bold.

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Haydz.
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                      Name : Pebblesz

                      World: Lobera

                      What in gods name??? .They stole my camera? What will I do now? I don’t want to lose all my pictures . I repeated in my head over and over, trying to understand how it happened. I knew I’d lost it during a trip to the City of Merchants.What a bad memory.

                      Built in the sky, above a natural swamp, Venore was known to be a beautiful and adventurous city. I spent 3 days on a journey, wandering through Venore and staying at the local inns. Somewhere along my travels, my camera went missing.Thinking I had lost it, I back tracked to visit the same places and came to thinking that it was just stolen and began looking for clues.

                      On the first day of my trip, I ventured to a campsite and found the home of amazons, valkyries, and witches.The potion cauldrons were a sight! I had never believed in magic or spells until then. My second destination was the Plains of Havoc and – oh my god – that was a dangerous place. Luckily, I am an experienced explorer. I would have otherwise become lost there. I went on my way and found myself in a sunken village… an uninhabited place where they used to imprison people.

                      My last exploration was down in the caves, south of the city. Down here, I wandered past the horrors and chills of those disgusting rotworms and found a community of swamp trolls. Eventually the smell became overwhelming and I left the caves, running back to the gates of Venore and wound up in Irmana’s dress shop.

                      It turns out that Irmana had my camera and she had used it to take a picture with the banker Ronckin. They both wanted to capture a moment which would depict their great friendship.

                      • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Paollah.
                      • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Pebblesz.
                      • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Pebblesz.
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                        Name: Hassbiy

                        Server: Gravitera

                        Title: Eventholder’s kings day


                        It was kings day and Thais was ready for the celebration,

                        Event holder had a mission,

                        to please the people with really good pictures.


                        The moment he woke up he notice that something was missing,

                        His memory box dissapeared when he was sleeping


                        He was so worried because King Tibianus was counting with his services,

                        He never thought that this adventure was going to became one of the craziest memories


                        He started by reporting the robbery to the city guards, they told him that actually they spotted a strange man


                        He had a long beard and took a boat earlier to Edron,

                        Event holder traveled there and notice the streets full of terror


                        He walked to the ivory towers and Zoltan gave him a permission,

                        In liberty bay boat was Captain Max waiting for him to sail to the next mission

                        Goroma was the island and it looked suspicious


                        The old man had his house in this strange place

                        To get to him Event holder had to fight with demonic creatures face to face

                        But for his surprise they didn’t attack him because he wasn’t human race


                        Finally he found his beloved camera,

                        It was hanging on Ferumbras neck,

                        The old man wanted a picture of his daughter Fortinbrae

                        Event holder hug him and told him not to worry

                        Of an old picture of her he had a copy


                        Ferumbras accepted the photo and gave the memory box back,

                        Event holder rapidly run to do his work in Thais castle very fast!

                        But he will never forget that Ferumbras actually has a good heart ❤️


                        Almighty Slash
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                          Name: Almighty Slash
                          Server: Olima

                          Title: Stolen Love Memories

                          During a Tibian summer, Eventholder was reveling on the stunning beaches of Liberty Bay. In a laid-back bar, his gaze met that of Aurora, a lady of dazzling beauty. An overwhelming passion quickly blossomed between them.

                          Love was in the air, and Eventholder shared with Aurora his adventures, all recorded with his Memory Box. As the end of summer approached, he made a decision:
                          “Aurora, come with me to Thais. I want to marry you!” Aurora, radiant, accepted without hesitation.

                          Once in Thais, they scheduled the wedding for the next day with Lynda, the priestess. Eventholder began the preparations with a heartbeat of joy. At the dawn of the celebration, Eventholder woke up excited, but neither Aurora nor the Memory Box were by his side.

                          Desperate, Eventholder scoured Thais. His desperation intensified upon coming across a ‘wanted poster’ featuring Aurora – ‘a thief who uses seduction to steal riches.’

                          Overcome with anguish, he turned to the King’s guards. The city mobilized, spurred by the reward. And it was at the bottom of the Thais ship’s deck that Aurora was found, cornered next to the Memory Box.

                          Brought before the King, Aurora was judged. However, instead of a prison sentence, she surprised everyone by revealing valuable information about a conspiracy against the kingdom. Grateful, the King decided to forgive her.

                          Eventholder, his heart shattered, awaited Aurora’s exit from the castle. Aurora, approaching, murmured with a choked voice:
                          “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I truly love you, I was forced to do this.”

                          Eventholder felt a mix of relief and sadness as he saw her disappear into the crowd. Even with his heart shattered, he decided to embark on a new adventure once more, this time seeking the truth about his love.

                          Achievement Sarkmor
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                            Name: Achievement Sarkmor
                            World: Libertabra

                            Title: Showdown at the Shutter: Eventholder vs. The Bank Robbery Gang


                            A dastardly gang set their sights on Eventholder’s beloved camera. This infamous crew consisted of Jesse the Wicked, Mornenion, Robby the Reckless, and the conniving mastermind, Elvira Hammerthrust. Their audacious plan? To steal the camera, convinced it held the key to unlocking the legendary Kazordoon Vault.

                            The saga began when Eventholder found himself unwittingly caught in a trap set by Elvira Hammerthrust. She had long nurtured deep-seated envy towards Emperor Kruzak after their bitter breakup, believing that the Memory Box contained the secret to the vault’s impenetrable defenses. With a cunning scheme, she lured Eventholder into a decoy photo shoot, distracting him while the rest of the gang made their move.

                            Unbeknownst to Eventholder, the camera he cherished held a mysterious key hidden within its intricate lens mechanism—a secret he had unknowingly stumbled upon during his travels. It was this key that Elvira and her gang believed would unlock the coveted Kazordoon Vault and grant them unimaginable riches.

                            As Eventholder discovered the theft, he vowed to retrieve his precious Memory Box and bring the gang of thieves to justice.

                            Eventholder’s journey took him across perilous landscapes. He encountered Robby the Reckless’s traps, Jesse the Wicked’s minions, and Mornenion’s illusions. Finally, Eventholder confronted the entire gang together, led by Elvira herself. After defeating them and recovering the camera, with a burst of laughter and an unexpected twist, the stolen key was revealed to be nothing more than a cleverly disguised prop, leaving the gang in dismay.

                            As the dust settled, Eventholder emerged victorious, his laughter echoing triumphantly through the realm of Tibia. The stolen Memory Box was returned to its rightful owner, and Elvira Hammerthrust and her gang were apprehended, their dreams of vault conquest shattered.

                            Now Eventholder can work in peace once again.

                            Hydan Aymon
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                              Character: Hydan Aymon

                              World: Nefera

                              Title: The Spirit Thief


                              The clock marked noon, when Eventholder saw in the forest of Tiquanda something that he expected to be the city of Banuta, a place he had been trying to photograph for some time, but he was approached by a group of small natives of greenish color, who inhabited a isolated primitive tribe in the forest.

                              Eventholder was taken to the leader of the creatures, a shaman, who took all of his belongings, including his beloved camera. The leader immediately expelled him from the tribe. Eventholder returned to the Explorer Society headquarters in Port Hope and told Angus what had happened, he said that people have been trying to interact with that tribe for a long time, but by all indications they are a very primitive and superstitious people.

                              It was then that Eventholder had an idea that could kill two birds with one stone. He waited for nightfall and left for the tribe. When he arrived, he sneaked into the shaman’s tent. Eventholder entered the tent, located his camera on a pile of other objects taken from adventurers and hurried to take a picture of the shaman, who jumped out of his bed, awakened by the equipment’s flash.

                              The shaman threatened to speak, but was interrupted by Eventholder who said:

                              “Silence! I, the great God of spirits have come to punish you for your disrespect.”

                              At that moment, Eventholder showed the photograph to the shaman, who, astonished, began to beg for his spirit trapped in the small object. Eventholder said:

                              “I forgave you on the condition that you guide me to the city of Banuta”

                              The shaman agreed, Eventholder tore up the photo and the next day both headed towards Banuta, the shaman happy to have regained his spirit and Eventholder trying to contain his laughter.

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                                Name: Skyk

                                Server: Olima

                                Title: The Redemption of the Lost Island

                                Eventholder was participating in an expedition conducted by Captain Charles, to show the beauties of the wild island of Port Hope. Obviously our explorer had his ‘Memory Box’ with him to record every moment of this amazing expedition.

                                The ship’s crew sighted an unknown island, mentioned only in tavern rumors and popularly known as the ‘Lost Island’. Fearful, the Captain decided to return the ship to Port Hope, but Eventholder noticed his Memory Box was missing. Preparing to set sail, he spotted on the island’s beach his former partner, Traitorous, driven by envy and greed, with the Memory Box in hand.

                                The island was infested with monsters, but to Eventholder’s surprise, these creatures had a strange sense of humor, requiring the solving of riddles and jokes to proceed. In a challenge, a troll would only allow passage if it laughed at Eventholder’s jokes. In desperation, he tickled the troll, which laughed, allowing him passage.

                                At the heart of the island sheltered a phoenix. As he confronted it, Eventholder realized that this was not a physical battle, but a moral one. The phoenix represented his past, his failures, and his desire for revenge against Traitorous. He understood that the real battle was with himself.

                                In a profound revelation, Eventholder decided to forgive Traitorous, believing that redemption comes from understanding and the ability to change. As she broke free of her desire for revenge, the phoenix also broke free, transforming into a spectacular image in her Memory Box.

                                Finally, Eventholder, with his camera in hand and a healed heart, returned triumphant. The images captured, besides being beautiful, were a constant reminder that the real treasure is not the moments recorded, but the lessons learned. And, of course, never forget to laugh, even if it is at a troll’s joke.

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                                  Name: Rencik

                                  World: Nefera

                                  Title: The inmortal memories and the gods’ wrath.


                                  In Thais, during a very important festival, Kingsday, all the city dwellers celebrated Tibianus’ majesty. Garlands and tablecloths decorated the city. Eventholder, of course, received an invitation from the house of King Tibianus, which he accepted and went to enjoy the event. Multiple memories in the form of photographs were captured by his valuable Memory Box.

                                  In the knights’ arena, all the Thaians enjoyed the fights with a lot of merriment. Eventholder was happily taking photos of the battles, when suddenly a mysterious man wearing a skull-shaped mask slipped out of the crowd. Swift as the wind and flexible as a cat, he managed to leap and snatch the Memory Box from Eventholder.

                                  Our hero shouted out loud: “Stop him, a thief!” while putting on his Boots of Haste to start chasing him. In the midst of shouting, the thief hopped through the arena, breaking everything in his path. Eventholder kept pace, and as he ran, Gregor threw a rapier at him, which Eventholder caught with a bold wave of his hand.

                                  Leaping over chairs and across stairs, the thief slid off the bridge onto the arena. Bravely, Eventholder jumped in as well, and the thief drew his sword. They fought hard with show-stopping prowess, until Eventholder was able to disarm him and aimed his rapier at his neck. With a movement of the sword, he broke the thief’s mask, revealing that it was none other than Quentin, the calm priest of the temple of Thais.

                                  The guards interrogated him. The whole city was stunned that their priest turned out to be a thief. However, the king forgave him. He only wanted to prevent the impure acts that happened that day from being immortalized in the Memory Box, which could have caused the gods’ wrath against the city.

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