January 16, 2025

Home Forum News Bake a 10th-Anniversary cake! Reply To: Bake a 10th-Anniversary cake!

Dosia Nie
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    Name: Dosia Nie

    World: Olima

    Photos (creating process): I baked Nigella’s Chocolate Fudge Cake (half of the recipe) and decided to try for the first time to decorate with sugar paste and edible paint.

    Photo (finished craft):

    Entry: Tibia was always around me for the last 20 years. My brother plays it, my friends play it, my boyfriend plays it… But I could never get into the game. It was too boring, too hard, too old school, too [insert a reason here]. My last attempt at playing the game was 11 years ago!

    I returned again in December last year. I just got out of the hospital (were I spent my 30th birthday -.-) and I was super bored. Only this time – it clicked! I sank into the game so much, I read about it during breaks at work! What changed? Well, just before my 30th birthday I got diagnosed with ADHD and got the right meds for it. Turns out Tibia is not boring, my brain is just different xD Right now I am rediscovering the game – so much was added! I would be totally lost without fansites and TibiaEvents keeps me up to date on what is happening in-game. Happy Anniversary!

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Dosia Nie. Reason: forgot to add the recipe link

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