February 13, 2025

Home Forum News Eventholder in a Halloween Party! Reply To: Eventholder in a Halloween Party!

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    Eventholder decided to have his Halloween party but he had a big problem: As he knows almost everyone because his greats adventures, his house was not big enough to accommodate so many guests for his party. With that in mind, he decided to throw the biggest party that ever existed: a party in the entire city of Thais! While thinking about a macabre and scary decoration that could be placed throughout all the city, he thought: Wait, why create a scary Thais if there already exists one like that…?
    And so, the scary Dark Thais opened its doors to visitors during the big Halloween night. The party featured the traditional game of going from house to house asking for trick-or-treating, as well as costumes and drinks and foods! Of course, a party of this size was attended by King Tibianus (which was personally transported by the Eventholder’s mount in his Halloween Pumpkin carriage) who innovated his costume by dressing up as the feared Ferumbras and, of course, he brought his best friend, Noodles, with him to this great party (we just hope he doesn’t get lost there :p).

    About the drawing: I used the tibia’s famous 7.0 background as inspiration, but this time with elements from Nightmare Mirrored in the background, along with some typical Halloween elements. I also added some personal elements of the mascot (since it’s his party) like his Hellhound mount (who was dressed as a Greedbeast). Eventholder was dressed as Soul Sphere and Noodles as Weak Soul.

    It was a really fun contest! I hope you like it!

    Character: Griggi
    World: Belobra

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