Hello everybody! It’s time for our monthly contest, and this time (as you have already guessed from the title) we are doing a Parcel Castle Contest
Through the years that we’ve been playing Tibia, Parcel Castles have always been something, as one of those traditions passed through generations, and this month we want to continue this tradition.
If you already feel the excitement from this kind of contest, please read and follow all the rules before you start building or you will be disqualified from the contest without notice! How often it is that we here at TibiaEvents have to discard some wonderful contest entries because people did not follow ALL the rules.
So please read and follow all the rules and save us all the heartache!
– You must build a parcel castle in game and post the screenshot into this thread.
– You can use parcels (I mean, obviously), chests, boxes, flowers, and all kinds of items for the decoration, but the main structure of your building must be PARCELS
– You must post 3 screenshots in total; 2 of the building process, with your character (and maybe some of your friends if you wish) appearing in all screenshots, and another one with the finished building, your character must be saying “Tibia Events 2023”, on all 3 screenshots, this dialogue must be visible in the game screen (not only the chat log).
-We will judge creativity, so don’t think that using super rare items or valuables will guarantee your victory.
– You can build your castle everywhere you’d like, but remember we are not responsible for lost/stolen items, so use your common sense and don’t place valuables in the open.
-You can not do this building in any OTServer or map editors, this has to be made in the official Tibia client.
– You cannot edit your screenshots. You cannot use Paint, Photoshop, or anything similar.
– Your post must contain your character name, world server, and entry in the following format:
Name of the building:
Screenshots (creating process):
Screenshot (finished building):
– Multiple submissions are allowed, but each entry must be submitted individually. Note that only one prize per person can be won.
– As always, plagiarism leads to disqualification
– This is a family-friendly site, so any content related to drugs, sex, offensive, or xenophobic content won’t be tolerated, and to be honest, we don’t see how could you break this rule, but we don’t want to know anyway, so don’t do it.
– Your post must follow the Tibia rules.
– You must name your building!
– Staff members of TibiaEvents, cannot, under any circumstance, participate in our events, for obvious reasons.
– We will validate or invalidate the entries so you can see if your submission is OK, so please keep checking to correct eventual mistakes, if you receive a like from the staff, means your entry is valid.
The contest starts on 15/03/2023 and ends on 15/04/2023 – (23:59 CEST).
Our team and CipSoft will be judging creativity.
1st place: golden warrior trophy + choice between: memory box, blessing charm set, blue sphere + rune embleme of choice
2nd place: silver warrior trophy + choice between the remaining two items + rune embleme of choice
3rd place: place: bronze warrior trophy + remaining item + rune embleme of choice
Please, keep in mind that we are using CEST (time zone), so your entry might look in time for you, even if it’s not.
So, grab your tools, materials, and ideas, it’s time to craft!
Your TibiaEvents team.
To make things easier for you all, if you have any doubt regarding the rules of the contest, you can contact Leproso Marginado via discord (Idhock#3670) he is one of our staff members and will be answering questions regarding THE RULES